Enter Enea Festival 15-18.06.2025


Enter Enea Festival is a four-day meeting in the open air, in the company carefully chosen by Leszek Możdżer, the Festival’s Artistic Director.

The Festival promotes individual pursuits in music and gives a panorama of music energy, tied with jazz style, a perfect fit for an open-air venue. Each concert proves that jazz means freshness, dynamism and a field for ever new pursuits, a music space that calls for ongoing action and discovery of new artistic avenues.

Leszek Możdżer invites artists he has met on stages worldwide or those he wishes to hear live. Each time these are eminent musicians who share their unique language with the audience. Some have already become acclaimed by both listeners and critics worldwide, while others make their first steps on the stage. The Festival’s Director also shares his music projects, which often premiere here, and performs next to the artists he invites.

Enter takes place in summertime, in the magnificent surroundings of Lake Strzeszyńskie in Poznań. The Festival combines the unpretentiousness, independence and air of freedom offered by an event held in the open with the exclusivity ensured by a limited audience and first of all by the artists invited by Leszek Możdżer, who assure premium quality music experiences.